Organic Artisan Baker training (592 hrs)

This is a long and intensive training, destined for adults in professional reconversion with a professional installation project.

This training is sanctioned by a diploma level 4 (equivalent to professional baccalaureate)

The training is specifically oriented towards natural leaven baking and the use of organic raw materials.

Each student is individually coached in the set up of their professional project. At the end of the training, students will be autonomous at production and have the basis of a realistic economic plan for their projects.

In 7 out of 10 cases, this course results on the creation of a company within the 3 years following the training.

Please, be aware that, currently, this training is provided in French only.
You need a proper level in French to be able to follow the theoretical and practical courses.
Are you a professional baker already working with sourdough ? If yes, please check our training : Panettone, viennoiserie and sourdough bread – Advanced course

The 2024 training calendars as well as the opening dates for registration will be published soon, thank you for your patience.

The registrations are done through our intranet 'Le Club EIDB'.

You must create an account to start your registration.

Sign up on the Club.

* Please note that registration requests are processed in chronological order of receipt of complete files.
As the registration is effective and counted only after a 10-day withdrawal period and the payment of the deposit, it is possible that the counter still displays available places while the school is processing pending cases.
The sending of your complete file does not guarantee your registration, which will only be effective after confirmation from the secretariat.


Nouvelle formation !

L'école est heureuse de vous présenter la Formation Salarié(e) en boulangerie bio

Vous souhaitez vous reconvertir, apprendre la panification au levain naturel et vous préférez être salarié(e) ?