Choose your training

Please, be aware that, currently, most of these trainings are provided in French only.
Are you a professional baker already working with sourdough ? If yes, you can check out our Perfection training (see below)

An organic artisan baker training

It is the only degree program in Europe specifically oriented towards leaven bread and the organic raw material sector.

Specifically for those who want to set up their baking business.

This 582 hr training course gives you over 15 weeks the skills and knowledge to open a bakery. This training is sanctioned by a specific degree "boulanger" level 4, registered in NCPR (National Registry of Professional Certifications).

In 8 out of 10 cases, it results on the establishment of a company in the year following the training.

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Tailored trainings

Whether craftsmen or industrial, L'école Internationale de Boulangerie can consider your specific training requests.

Programs and duration of these courses are studied and tailored with you to best meet your needs

EIDB can accommodate you or act on your premises for audit services, training and support.

Contact us by email or phone us with your request.

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A Introduction to the traditional bakery on natural sourdough Training

This non degree training is suitable for beginners, amateurs and professionals.

The aim of this 40 hours training is to introduce future managers to traditional yeast-based, organic bakery products.

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Advanced course

This 5-day training does not lead to a diploma and is intended for adults, manager or skilled worker and specifically oriented towards panettone and sourdough pastries

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Nouvelle formation !

L'école est heureuse de vous présenter la Formation Salarié(e) en boulangerie bio

Vous souhaitez vous reconvertir, apprendre la panification au levain naturel et vous préférez être salarié(e) ?