If you have a GPS system, you can type in these coordinates: @44.18592,5.796736 - Latitude: 44° 11' 9.312" Longitude: 5° 47' 48.2496"
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You can display your itinerary towards L'école Internationale de Boulangerie.
Good news, one can arrive to Sain Martin without GPS nor internet:
You can reach Sisteron from Grenoble, you will cross Sisteron in the direction of Aix en Provence. At the roundabout after leaving Sisteron, follow the signs "Vallée du Jabron" then turn right before the small village of "les bons enfants" always following the signs that say "Vallée du Jabron".
If you come from Gap on the highway you will take exit 22 as shown below.
You can reach the valley of Jabron taking the motorway from Aix to Sisteron, take exit 22 "Sisteron centre/Vallée du Jabron", follow the signs at the two roundabouts "Vallée du Jabron" then turn right before "les bons enfants" always following the sign "Vallée du Jabron".
If you come from the national highway, turn left after the small village of "les bons enfants" following the sign "Noyers / Jabron".
Follow the route towards Noyers sur Jabron, go through the village and keep going until you reach "Le Couvent" hamlet.
In Le couvent you will see on your right a sign "St Martin".
Turn right and follow the small road (be careful, it’s narrow with a lot of hair-pin curves) until the end, roughly 4 km. You reached the Training Center, Congratulations!
If you want to carpool with your car or as a passenger, send us an email with the date you intend to come. We will post the info here.
For trainees, when you register to the course, you will be put in contact by email with your future co-trainees, and you will have the opportunity to organize your trip.
The easiest way is to go through Marseille, even from Paris and take a train to Sisteron. It will save you bus journeys and not so simple connections.
L'école est heureuse de vous présenter la Formation Salarié(e) en boulangerie bio
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