Some figures

Some figures

EIDB (L'école internationale de boulangerie) is:

- The only school in the world to offer a level 4 diploma course (equivalent to a professional baccalaureate) specifically oriented towards natural sourdough bread-making, the organic sector and business creation.
- 4 diploma courses per year (Organic baker training).
- 11 trainees per course.
- 44 professional creation projects supported each year.
- The drop-out rate is 0%.
- 10 short non-degree courses per year (introductory or advanced courses, lasting 1 week).
- 11 trainees per course.

That's more than 110 passionate amateurs or professionals coached every year.
A high supervision rate of 4 trainers for 11 trainees, favourable to the personalized follow-up of each trainee.
3 working languages: French, English and Spanish.
More than 15 nationalities represented.
8 trainees out of 10 who are reconverted in the profession, including 7 as company managers.

Job opportunities / integration

Since 2006, 220 EIDB trainees have set up businesses that are viable in the long term, both in France and internationally. Around 3.5% of businesses have had to close for economic reasons (takeover of conventional bakeries, COVID crisis, etc.).

On average, two years after graduation, 70% of graduates have their own bakery business and 10% are salaried employees.

The integration rate after 6 months is around 60%. This is mainly due to the incompressible time needed to set up a business after graduation (finding premises is often the most difficult part).

Insertion 6mois Insertion 1an Insertion 2ans

Trainee satisfaction

The satisfaction rate for long courses is 96% (the return rate to forms is 60%).
The drop-out rate is less than 1%. This is due to personal reasons.
The satisfaction rate for introductory courses is 94% (the return rate to forms is 62%).
The satisfaction rate for the PERFECTIONNEMENT / BIEN GERER SA BOULANGERIE courses is 94% (the return rate to forms is 62%).
The drop-out rate is 0%.

Indicateurs général Indicateurs FABB Indicateurs FIBT Indicateurs FPPV Indicateurs FBGB

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